Decoration necessities for the Holidays

As leading experts in the field of new home sales, and having seen many families move into their new homes during the holidays, it seems fitting that we might give a few tips on how you can get your home involved in the festivities. Decorating the home is a big part of what makes a home a home, and here are some ideas to get that done. The list is in no way exhaustive, but it does cover all the necessities.

  • Wreaths: The wreath is a staple of every front door on Christmas.
  • Lights: If you want to get festive and show off to your neighbors, this is the way to go. Plus, your home will stick out like a sore thumb if you are in a neighborhood that likes to put up lights.
  • Christmas Tree: The absolute staple of Christmas. You are in some trouble with Santa if we have to explain this one to you.
  • Christmas Themed Doormat: A home on Christmas should be welcoming. A great place to start along with a wreath is a fun doormat.
  • Living Room Decor: This section is important. This is where family time will be, therefore you have to nail it. We recommend fun Christmas themed nick knacks and an appropriately themed game out for people to play (our favorite is Christmas scrabble).
  • Candles: At this point, you should be checking off the five senses, one of which is smell. The smell of pine or peppermint should do the trick to make sure everyone is feeling jovial during the holidays. Incense works as well.
  • Music: An often-overlooked part of the holidays is the music. A good playlist of all your favorite holiday music will go a long way in making your house feel like a home.
  • Dining Table: Something at the center of the table that screams the holidays is a nice arrangement of pine and candles, a holiday centerpiece, to really make the dinner table complete. A holiday themed table topper also would do wonders.
  • Food: A holiday meal is necessary, and having the right recipes are at the focal point of the festivities. Make sure that you also make cookies and milk because the holidays are not the holidays without dessert.

And lastly, most importantly, and a terrible cliché: family and friends. No matter what holiday you celebrate, there is nothing more special and important than the friends and family you visit during the holidays. Even if your home cannot be decorated, the most important thing that a home needs to feel like a home are the people celebrating in it. So celebrate! Don’t forget to eat and drink all of your seasonal favorites and have a great time!

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Kim Sudman