Customer Guidelines for Submitting Artwork
Our goal is to provide you with the best possible quality graphics for your project. You can help us in that effort by providing digital art files using the following guidelines. If you are sending us completed, print-ready files, please pass the following information on to your graphic designer. Two overall considerations for submitting acceptable artwork involves proper resolution or size of the file to avoid poor quality images, and proper color matching information and proofs to ensure accurate color reproduction. Please contact us with any questions you may have after reviewing these guidelines.
Please Provide the Following when Submitting Art

RASTER ART – Photos, images, pictures
File extentions: .jpg, .psd, .tif, .bmp
- Art submitted at 1:1 (100%), Resolution should be no less than 60 dpi (100 dpi preferred)
- Art submitted at 2:1 (50%), Resolution should be no less than 120 dpi (200 dpi preferred)
- Art submitted at 4:1 (25%), Resolution should be no less than 240 dpi (400 dpi preferred)
VECTOR ART – Logos, Line art, typography
Filetypes: .ai, .eps, .pdf (when saved from illustration program)
- Logos should be vector and have outlines fonts (if provided as bitmap, please use high-res images)
- Supply all fonts used in your design. If unsure how to collect fonts, convert them to outlines.
- Supply all links used in your document. Use packaging feature if available. If unsure how to collect links, embed them in the file when saving.
- If PMS color matching is required, please use original Pantone+ Coated standard swatches in your artwork. Modifying Pantone names will result in printing default color (CMYK)
- CMYK artwork will be produced “As Is”.
- Convert RGB art to CMYK if possible.

Acceptable File Types and Support Files
We are capable of working with both PC and MAC based software, and can accept art created with the ADOBE Creative Suite – Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop.
Always provide the following:
- Native Files with font and links (zipped)
- High-res PDF exports of the files
- Adobe Illustrator (CC & CS6) file with embedded links and outlined fonts.
- EPS file with embedded links and outlined fonts.
- INDD file with Packaged supporting links and fonts.
- High-res PDF (preferred).
- AI with PDF content (choose this option when saving file).
- EPS files with embedded links and outlined fonts.
- Adobe Photoshop EPS (preferred).
- PSD (make sure font layers are rasterized).
- TIFF, JPEG (quality 8 or higher).