Human Directional Program

Human Directional Program

Aside from our weekend directional sign services, we also offer human directional services to help drive customers toward your community. The main purpose of using directionals is to get more people to your model homes, thus increasing your sales. With this cost-effective tool, homebuilders can attract more attention at a busy intersection over the competition. Artisan Direct provides this service and manages it, which gives the homebuilder the ability to focus on selling more homes.

Artisan Directs human directional program includes:

  • Attracting more attention at busy intersections
  • 5’ custom printed digital graphics on custom arrows
  • 4-hour shift windows during peak business hours on weekends
  • Daily check-ins with a designated contact before and after shifts
  • Nationwide coverage

If you are interested in finding out more about this service, please reach out to your local market manager, regional manager, or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to helping you fulfill your directional needs.


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